Recent developments at Queen and Spadina constriction–July 2012

The reconstruction of the streetcar tracks at the intersection at Queen and Spadina is progressing rapidly. This morning, I had an opportunity to chat with two of the workers, and they informed me of several facts that were new to me.


I had thought that timbers were no longer employed beneath the streetcar rails. However, I was informed that they remain in use to support the rails at the curved intersections. This is because at the intersections the rails require extra support, and the steel supports are of insufficient width. I also discovered that the wooden supports are a hardwood of some type, the workmen were not certain of the exact variety, and they are treated with chemicals and oils to preserve them. They easily last for twenty to twenty-five years.


             At this curved section, the wooden supports are clearly visible.


            On this straight piece of track, the metal supports are employed.


However, I was puzzled when I examined this section. It is on a curve, but the steel supports have been employed. It was the only section that I found that this was true. I was unable to talk to the workmen again to ask why this piece of track was an exception.


View looking north on Spadina from south of Queen Street on Saturday 14 July.

I have spent much of my adult life researching Toronto. Despite the traffic jams and daily congestion, I find it exciting and vibrant. I love the city and enjoy exploring it through my writing. One of the books, “The Villages Within”, was nominated for the Toronto Heritage Awards. If interested in novels with a Toronto setting, descriptions of the books are available by following the link:

They can be purchased in soft cover or electronic editions. All books are available at Chapters/Indigo and on The electronic editions are less that $4 on Kobo and Kindle. Follow the links:

There Never Was a Better Time:

Arse Over Teakettle:

The Reluctant Virgin;

The Villages Within:

Author’s Home Page:

Authors can be contacted at: [email protected]

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