Trinity Bellwood Park is one of the city’s true treasures, worthy of exploring at any time of the year, but in early spring
Year: 2012
The following information is from the novel “There Never Was a Better Time,” a story about two young immigrants arriving in Toronto in May of
This wonderful photo of the Lakeshore Boulevard, taken on 3 August 1922, is from the Toronto Archives (Fonds 1231, Item 0540). It was likely taken
In 1873, Samuel Richardson erected a two-storey frame home on this corner. It survives today, though it has been greatly altered. Richardson added a third
The spring of 2012 has been exceptional. I attended “Canada Blooms” in March, and although I enjoyed the show immensely, I was very disappointed that
The recently published novel, “The Reluctant Virgin,” is a murder/mystery, but it deals with many of the social issues of Toronto during the 1950s. Though
As a child, a streetcar ride was an adventure. On our street, only one family owned an automobile, and thus we walked to most places.
Subways are faster if a person wishes to simply travel from point A to B in the least time possible. Few refute this argument. However,
“The Toronto Trilogy” chronicles the life of the city through the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s. Historical fiction is perhaps one of the best venues for
I have spent much of professional life studying and teaching about Toronto’s past. My book “The Villages Within,” which is non-fiction, was short-listed for the