The recently published novel, “The Reluctant Virgin,” is a murder/mystery, but it deals with many of the social issues of Toronto during the 1950s. Though the events in the story occurred over a half century ago, they remain relevant today. One of the book’s teenage characters becomes pregnant and another discovers he is gay. However, the most dramatic section of the book is the part that deals with the disastrous effects of teenage bullying.
This is an issue that is as important today as it was over fifty yeas ago. Some things do not change. The controversial topics in the book are woven in among the chilling events of the impact of a serial killer who haunts the streets of Toronto. The killer removes substantial qualities of blood from the victims, which baffles the police.
I have spent much of my adult life researching and teaching about the city of Toronto. I love this city. It has provided the background for my writing. My book “The Villages Within” was short-listed for the Toronto Heritage Awards. My other books are also all about the city. If interested in novels with a Toronto setting, descriptions of the books are available by following the link: They can be purchased in soft cover or electronic editions. All books are available at Chapters/Indigo and on The electronic editions are less that $4. Follow the links:
There Never Was a Better Time:
Arse Over Teakettle:
The Reluctant Virgin;
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